Another Reason to Procrastinate
While I agree with the pain avoidance theory, I believe another reason that I procrastinate is lack of knowledge. There are times I simply do not know what to do or where to begin. Avoiding the task all together is just easier than asking for help or conducting the research required. Am I the only…
Just Stop Procrastinating!
Words are easier to type than implement in my daily life. Countless chores remain incomplete because I simply do not want to endure the frustration that will arise. Details of life remain unaddressed because I lack the resources to purchase supplies and the time to do the work. Buckets of money would be the answer…
Why Do I Procrastinate?
Over the past few days, I have struggled to make myself unload the cabinet under the sink and fix the clogged drain. I know, most people just call the plumber. Around here, the home repairs are my responsibility because I know the features of this house that require special care. I was dumb enough to…
Problems Are Puzzles
I recently ventured into Internet Marketing without really understanding the vast possibilities of this business. My first attempt at selling is something that I recognized as a copywriter. The same topics sell over and over again. Within a few weeks, I realized that I had not created a foundation for my new venture. Some research…
Eat Problems for Breakfast
For years, I dutifully drove to work with the knots in my stomach that the roof would cave in about an hour after my arrival. Working in the high-tech industry creates the illusion that we had to be available at all times because customers somewhere might need assistance. I finally realized that 24×7 support is the…
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