Do I Have Anything to Offer?
At times, I feel like the proverbial “high-school freshman” again because I have so much to learn. As I look around, I see people who have mastered complex processes and created masterful products to teach other people. In recent weeks, I have discovered some of the ways to improve my business and move up the learning…
Demand Support With Style
Maybe the full moon has something to do with the way people write emails and support tickets when they encounter issues. Almost daily, I receive an accusation in the form of a support ticket. I continue to ask myself WHY people feel free to attack me instead of making a request for help. Do you…
Permission Granted
In the first few weeks of my online business, I never really believed that I could contribute to the launches that I witnessed. Only after my first product launched did I understand how valuable every affiliate is. I learned why every person is so instrumental in presenting a product to anyone who will notice. My…
Launch Fallout Demands Attention
Any week of intensive sales activity will result in mountains of work. Customers expect rapid response to issues without consideration for time zones or tired sellers. Following each launch week, the temptation is to take a couple of months off to reflect and rest. Unfortunately, the details from the launch require your attention while events…
Win Customer Loyalty Through Support
Providing support over the Internet is more challenging than moving a piano up a flight of stairs alone! Initial contact with each customer creates a sense of dread as you open a support ticket, or email. You know that no one has written to you to explain that you are the most wonderful person in…
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