Stumped by Blog Posts?

Our first assignment is to establish a blog and write multiple posts to support our endeavor to be found on the Internet.  I have to admit that this task was relatively simple for me since I have been a freelance writer for more than 5 years.  I just wrote about my interests and some strange happenings as I started to identify my niche.

I know that writing is difficult for many people who are attempting to learn an entirely new set of skills.  Establishing a blog can be daunting if writing is not your forte.  Some writing tasks are daunting for me, such as sales pages.  I do dread that phase.  Fortunately, we have access to experts.

There are some important reasons to outsource the writing of your blog posts.

  • Save time – Other tasks demand your personal attention.  Your weekly blog posts are an important part of being ranked in the search engines.  Why not allow someone else (like me) to write your blog posts?
  • Learn – Once you see some ways to write blog posts, you will discover that you can write from your personal experiences.  One day, you will whip out a blog post in a matter of an hour.
  • New topics – At times, lack of knowledge is a steep barrier to writing a blog post.  Not everyone is an expert in the topics that make the best blog entries.  Research is an important facet of writing great blogs.
  • Meet people – Connections are essential when we need assistance at important crossroads in business life.

rhapsody in writingIn addition, there are some real barriers to asking another person to write your blog posts.

  • Money – Priorities will determine how willing you are to move this common barrier to blog entries.  Great information on your blog will attract interest from people.  A writing service could save you money in terms of time and effort.
  • Fear -Asking someone else for help with writing blog posts might be scary because you are uncertain of how to ask and what to say.  The remedy for this fear is to send a note and start the process.  Why wait?
  • Reputation – Content on your blog reflects on you.  Great writers will strive to exceed your expectations and provide you with a blog post that you will be proud to post.  Requests for revisions are valid when you want to build a respected reputation through your blog.

Your blog posts might be non-existent right now because you are busy creating a product or learning technical skills that are required for another phase of your business.  Whatever is causing your blog to live unattended in Cyberspace, I would encourage you to reach out for assistance.  Today!

How do you make time to write blog posts?

Leave a comment and join the conversation!

— Mialei


  • Hi Mialei,

    Blog posts in a hour? I wish.

    But, you’re right. It’s not a good idea to let your blog set on cyberspace and not regularly update it with posts that reflect well upon you and the brand you’re establishing.

    I do use some ghostwriters, but I always rewrite their stuff to reflect my personal style.
    Edward Thorpe recently posted…How We Think About Aging Effects How Long We LiveMy Profile

  • Mialei Iske

    Hi, Mr Ed,

    Always great to hear from you on my blog. I once believed that everyone could type like wind and transfer thoughts to the page. Imagine my surprise when I learned that some of my clients were never taught to structure a sentence. I love to write, and I was in my 40s before I figured that out. People will stop completely rather than ask for the assistance necessary to make their blogs noticeable. I just hope some will ask for help and find their own passions.

    Thanks for stopping by.
    — Mialei

  • Joy

    Hi Mialei,

    Like Edward my posts take much longer than an hour to produce – BUT, once I settle down to it, it’s my favorite part of the week.

    To be honest, I’ve had a secret yen to be a writer since I won two school essay prizes.

    I’ve had articles written for me in the past but often ended up spending ages changing them. I’m too much of a control freak to let that aspect of my business go.

    However that’s me. I can completely accept that for some people blog posting is a nightmare and for those people your service would be a great idea.

    In fact there are some blogs I read where I truly wish I could send them to you – but it might seem rude…

    Their content is good but the English is dreadful, making an otherwise excellent article difficult to read. The trouble is I doubt that these bloggers even realize that they have a problem at all! I guess that’s the challenge.

    I hope you do really well with your service – and by the way I love your blog header.

    Enjoy the rest of your week, Joy
    Joy recently posted…Free Traffic From Blog CommentingMy Profile

  • Mialei Iske

    Hi, Joy,

    Thank you for participating in the discussion. I would like to say that only people who are not native English speaking writers struggle with this complex language. Unfortunately, even people who speak fluent English are unable to formulate written sentences. I hope that some people will inquire about the ways in which I can make their blog writing efforts easier. I do have to give credit to a couple of incredible teachers for imparting my love for writing. Those assignments were painful at the time but have paid enormous dividends.

    Have a great week.
    — Mialei

  • Hi Mialei,

    Good post. It is quite important to regularly post to your blog if you’re trying to gain a presence online. But like you say, a lot of people coming into this business probably have not written anything or read a book even, so in this case, it’s an absolute must to have a writer.

    Unfortunately they don’t realize that and I think your post here hopefully has hit on a subject that needs to be addressed. Good pick for a post.

    Good luck on your online journey. I look forward to hearing of your success.


    Steve Troutman recently posted…So happy I am a member of the Partnership To Success ProgramMy Profile

  • Cool idea indeed to outsource blog posts!

    Yes, going to ask for your help with this Mialei for sure 😉
    The cost will be offset by the benefits of knowing I have a blog post every week
    without spending hours doing it.

    Then I can just write when inspiration strikes. Perfect

  • Mialei Iske

    Hi, Steve,

    Sometimes, I think we make our tasks too difficult. Each week, some crazy happening provides my next blog post. I have to be careful that I don’t share exactly how I feel about some of those events. Telling stories is more effective than anything else we do. People love to read about other people. The rest is just building relationships with great people!

    Thanks for stopping by.
    — Mialei

  • Mialei Iske

    Hi, Sue,

    I can see that you are beginning to surface after that amazing launch! I just hope you send some of that inspiration in my direction! My greatest challenge is that small voice that says, “you can’t do this!” So, I just sit down, write up a storm and prove that voice wrong!

    I look forward to working with some of the people I admire the most at what I love to do – write!
    — Mialei

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