Permission Granted

start-roadIn the first few weeks of my online business, I never really believed that I could contribute to the launches that I witnessed.  Only after my first product launched did I understand how valuable every affiliate is.  I learned why every person is so instrumental in presenting a product to anyone who will notice.  My support of other people might not top the leaderboard, but every action I take is useful for the seller and teaches me something about my methods.

What is preventing you from participating in product launches?

How many sales is enough?

Maybe you feel that only the people who take the first three positions are actually helping to make the product a success.  I challenge that idea because of the multiplying factor that can make the product sell like crazy in just a few days.  Every affiliate sale matters to the seller.  You might not realize the importance of just two or three sales.  Multiply two sales by 300 affiliates.  As a seller, that would be amazing.  That product would jump to the top of any ranking because the entire team worked together.

What if I fail?

There is only one way to fail:  never try!  Maybe you do not have a list of thousands of names and email addresses.  Consider the power of social media when you need to get the word out.  Your blog and other websites offer the perfect forum for telling others about a product you believe will help them.  Graphics and insightful statements are provided on the affiliate page.  Use these tools in every way possible to sell the product.

Who cares if I participate?

Maybe you have never released a product of your own.  In that case, your efforts as an affiliate could never be more important than right now.  As you develop your own approach, you will be making sales and gathering affiliates for your first product launch.  Every product seller has requirements for people who want to be an affiliate.  Making connections with the product owner is one way to open those doors that lead to a long list of products that you can promote.  Devise strategies that do not involve a list of potential buyers.  Use other methods that are available to you.  Get creative and watch your affiliate business thrive.

Change your approach!

Instead of assuming you could never sell a product as an affiliate, decide to take that first step and participate in product launches every week for the next month.  Devise your strategy ahead of time and create a promotion calendar.  Invest the effort to learn how to write effective emails and webcopy to achieve the results you want.  Too many times, we are overwhelmed with the idea of building massive lists that will allow us to automate our sales efforts.  Even today, you can lay the foundation for a successful business that will yield amazing results.  If you are waiting for someone to give you permission: granted!

“Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.”
~ Nido Qubein


  • deb

    That’s a great point you make Mialel on how to change your approach….affiliate marketing certainly opens up new opportunities. I personally believe you need to have used or are interested in the product that you are affiliated with to keep focussed. Creating a promotional calendar is something I hadnt thought of, so thanks for sharing!

  • Mialei Iske

    Hi, Deb,

    I agree with having experience with the products. Your affiliate promotional calendar reminds you to gain access to the products and use them before you attempt to promote. I looked around and noticed how many products I had purchased in preparation for my first launch. Those were the first products I promoted as soon as I had a list from the launch week. We have access to some of the best affiliate marketers and they are so willing to guide us!

    All the best of luck!
    — Mialei

  • Mialei, I’m a P2P student. Good article on becoming an affiliate. I wonder however, why didn’t you address the place many are at — no names in their Awber list? I’ve had it set up for a couple of months and no one has signed up. So if I have no list, how do I in good conscious offer or solicit to be an affiliate for anyone? We’ve had some interesting products come through lately, I need the income and the names the sales would bring. But no honest sales base — other than other IM from John Thornhill’s class — means I can’t offer to sell someone’s product.
    Good article, nice looking blog site. Wish you well with your endeavors.

  • Mialei Iske

    Hi, Susan,

    I mentioned social media sites, posting banner images for the product on your blog and other websites where you can place your affiliate link. I spent my first four months without a list. Look for FB groups and Google+ groups about ‘making money online’ and post each day during the launch. Just make sure to cloak your affiliate link. People are looking for great products and you can help a lot of people even without a list.

    Thanks for stopping by.
    — Mialei

  • You make a great point about every affiliate making a difference, Mialei. To be honest, I never thought about it that way.

    I don’t do launches – at least not often. I’m very conscious about over-selling to people who follow me. Not to mention if the product will even be useful to them.

    Thanks for giving me food for thought 🙂

  • Mialei Iske


    Always great to read your comments. When I stayed on a recent leaderboard with THREE sales, I realized that too many people are not participating. I know that I felt that way, too, until I saw the numbers for my first launch. My challenge right now is the overlap between my list and others in our circle. Time to expand my reach. I do hope all is well with you!

    Thanks for stopping by!
    — Mialei

  • Kim

    I loved this article, I think you’re spot on when you mention that every affiliate sale matters to the vendor no matter how small because it does…


  • Hi Mialei,

    some good thought on building affiliate relationships, it is not an area i stray in to, but I found the information thought provoking

  • Mialei Iske

    Hi, Kim,

    You are right about keeping our blogs updated. I thought a lot about this one after I stayed on a leaderboard with three sales. Sounds silly, but I learned too much during that launch. Too many people are staying on the sidelines instead of getting into the game!

    Thanks for stopping by!
    — Mialei

  • Mialei Iske

    Hi, Mike,

    I have learned more through my affiliate marketing efforts than any other activity. Reading sales pages, watching the selling platforms and interacting with sellers has given me answers to some important questions. I do not have a huge list, so the hype part of a launch is beyond my reach. I have embraced affiliate marketing as the only way to learn how all of these processes work.

    Thanks for stopping by.
    — Mialei

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