This icy road is a perfect illustration for the point in time before New Year’s Day launches another opportunity to meet our goals. A few days in limbo while the New Year arrives will provide sufficient time to look back down the road that has been traveled. Before you write some goals for 2015, there is still time to reflect on the past 12 months.
Ask yourself some tough questions:
- Do I even remember my goals for this past year?
- Did I achieve any of the milestones that I selected this time last year?
- Did I use my time effectively?
- When was the last time that I set goals and then achieved each one?
- Are my goals aligned with my life? Or is my life aligned with my goals?
Each year, I look for ways to change my current reality. Maybe 2015 will be the year that catapults me into the life that I really want to live. Chasing money is not the objective for the business that has presented itself. I want to use the skills that I have honed for the past 20 years.
Imagine working with amazing people and having something to offer each one! Maybe this is the year that I can spend less time worrying about money and more time figuring out how to thrive. My hopes and dreams include more travel and less frustration with the daily grind.
The first couple of months of the new year will require focus on learning everything possible to reach my first goal in March. After that, I will set the next set of milestones for the second quarter. Changing my approach to goal setting will ensure that more is accomplished after each success.
Some people know exactly where they want to be in 5 years. I have never had that perspective on life. Too much emphasis on the future causes me to overlook the present. I no longer wish to live at light speed. My pace will be determined by my ability to learn and apply all of the information.
How will you spend the coming year? Are you a goal setter? Do you just take life as it comes?
Leave a comment and join the conversation.
— Mialei
Edward Thorpe
Hi Mialei,
I like your plans for the coming years and hope you achieve them.
Sounds like you’re maturing. Good on ya.
Edward Thorpe
Edward Thorpe recently posted…Dirty Tricks Aging Plays On Us
Jan Kearney
This time of year is always perfect for reflecting and reviewing. Did I do everything that I wanted to do? Nope, but I did several things I didn’t plan and embraced some new opportunities.
My goal 2015 is to be more focused on my goals…
Have an amazing New Year and good luck reaching your goals!
Jan Kearney recently posted…Increase Facebook Reach 742% Without Ads (That’s Not A Typo!)
Joy Healey
Hi Mialei,
I think last year I decided that all this New Year Resolution bit had never worked for me before, so I wasn’t going to do it!
Yet funnily enough I have achieved MORE this year in my Internet Marketing business than I’d achieved in many years past.
Guess it’s because I finally got some decent coaching that included help actually launching my product. So I invested in my business – looks like you have done the same with PTS! So good luck to us both – in fact it won’t be luck; our success will be due to hard work!
As to my goals for this year – well first must be to build on what I’ve done so far (and stop dashing off in “other” directions).
The other goal is so scary to me that it has to remain personal. Actually most people are doing this easy peasy – I just have a mental block, PLUS a real shortage of time. My first milestone is to finish a big task in my offline business and then I can devote more time to my online business.
Have a Happy and Prosperous New Year, Joy
Joy Healey recently posted…Free Traffic From Blog Commenting
Mialei Iske
I have watched some people I care about fight “shiny object syndrome” and wanted to call a timeout on their behalf. I do want to buy every new gadget I see. Talk about distracting. I am grateful for the coursework that reminds me to stay focused on the tasks that matter most.
Embrace that “scary goal” – and ask for the help you need to achieve it!
All the best in the New Year.
— Mialei
Mialei Iske
Hi, Jan,
I think you are right about doing more – just in different areas – than you had planned. Some of my 2014 I would really like to leave in the past. I want a quiet and productive 2015. We will see what is in store for us all.
Remember to reach out to others when you get stuck!
— Mialei
This is encouraging, Mialei. For me, it would have to be clearly defined goals and stick to them. Focus and keep my enthusiasm, always! And yes, when need help just ask. Thanks Mialei. I appreciate it. Wishing you a prosperous and successful 2015. To your Abundance, Sandy 🙂
Sandy recently posted…Why Forgive
Mialei Iske
Hi, Sandy – I think we all struggle with asking for help. Seems to be part of the human condition. In this business, working together is the only way to find the information we need to move forward and stay focused.
All the best to you in 2015!
— Mialei
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