Computers and printers are some of the most affordable pieces of office equipment available today. Convenient access to the information inside the computer is essential to the support of any business. At times, we generate too much paper in the effort to appear effective in our roles.
If that sounds familiar, you are aware of some changes that could be made to streamline your daily activities. Maybe the best approach is to have enough copies of your printed materials to save time. At times, we have to choose new methods to improve the outcome of our efforts.
How often do we pause to consider the underlying
cost of maintaining our print habit?
Unless you purchase a boxcar load of paper at a time, you are paying full retail. Plain white paper is the cheapest in your stock of letterhead, forms, cards, flyers and brochures.
You might not realize how much money you have tied up in the supplies required to print a few pages each day. Each time your supplies run out, you will have to spend time reordering or venturing out to find replacement stock.
Have you ever stopped to figure out
how much money you are spending
every month to maintain your printer and supplies?
Any printed item that you are printing every day could be produced more efficiently and economically. Save your time and money by having the optimal number of each print item produced when you need more.
Your money should never be tied up in supplies that will not be used during the current month. Each flyer, business card, brochure or postcard costs money that could be spent in countless other ways. Marketing materials must be sent out into the world as soon as possible after spending the funds to have them printed.
If your money is tied up in supplies for in-house printing, you cannot do some of the most important growth activities for your business. Publicity can save your business, but you will need funds at exactly the right time.
Be sure that your money is available at the right time.
No one sets out to conduct business inefficiently. Time is the only resource you can never replace. You might not know where to turn for help with your printed materials.
Your ideas can be developed and printed with less effort than you can imagine. There are some requirements that can be met when you have access to the expertise that you need.
Refuse to delay because you don’t have the answers you need.
Even if you would like to have a conversation without specific projects or orders in mind, take action right now. You really do not want to wait any longer.
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