Any week of intensive sales activity will result in mountains of work. Customers expect rapid response to issues without consideration for time zones or tired sellers. Following each launch week, the temptation is to take a couple of months off to reflect and rest. Unfortunately, the details from the launch require your attention while events are still fresh in your mind. The success of your next launch might depend on your ability to address issues in important categories.
Support Issues
Anticipating a disastrous launch week is not necessary if you will hold a problem-solving mindset. Extremely successful people “eat problems for breakfast.” Every support ticket offers you an opportunity to improve. Instead of dreading the messages inside, you can look for insight about your business.
- Cause of tickets – Your ability to trace the actual cause of support tickets is an important part of improving your customers’ experience. You must evaluate the emails the customer receives in response to the sale. Use those emails to communicate clear instructions that prevent support tickets.
- Resolutions – Fewer support tickets will arrive when you resolve the issues that your customers encounter with the sales process. In the midst of busyness, pause and take actions that solve problems for your customers before they have questions. Provide additional information on the sales page and anywhere else you can provide guidance.
- Permanent solutions – At times, third-party providers have processes that cause miscommunication between you and your customers. Offer suggestions to these important business partners whenever their processes create issues for your valuable customers.
Product Quality
Product creation requires you to look at every screen, page and function to ensure that your customer will have a positive experience. You cannot anticipate customer perception, but you can improve your customer’s ability to use your product in the way that you intended.
- Problems – Any aspect of your product that does not work correctly offers your customers the opportunity to demand a refund and never buy from you again. Other people can be asked to walk through your screens and sales pages to make certain that everything is in top condition.
- Improvements – Suggestions offered in support tickets offer invaluable improvement ideas for your product. Never hesitate to make changes that can make your product better. You might learn enough from your customers to release a new version in a few months.
- Enhancements – Technology changes at the speed of light. Customers know that your product could be improved if you made some additions to the content and functionality. Every email and support ticket offers ideas for your next release. Add to the existing product and tell your customers to visit often for more updates.
Adjust Schedule
In the cycle of releasing new products, you might wonder if there is ever a good time to take a vacation and step away. Life will hand you time off, in the form of illness, if you do not take breaks at regular intervals. No one can work constantly and continue to have great ideas.
- Look ahead – As you prepare for a launch, you will want to make changes to your normal schedule to allow you to handle the increased workload along with other responsibilities. Time zones add an interesting dimension to handling customers around the clock.
- Take a break – Some time away from your business is possible when you build solutions into your responses to issues. A few days away will allow you to see the product more clearly upon your return.
- Splurge – Cash earned in a launch is great for paying bills, but you might consider a special purchase that commemorates your success. Even an expensive dinner out with friends and family can be the perfect reward for your hard work.
Evaluate the Launch
Most people refuse to repeat mistakes or missteps associated with business, or life. Notes should be taken throughout your launch. Memories fade quickly once the pressure is off. You will want to make some corrections to how you handled the best and worst parts of launching your product. Learn everything you can from every launch because someday, someone is going to ask you for help. You will have a treasure trove of wisdom to offer if you learn as you go!
“He who never made a mistake, never made a discovery.”
~ Samuel Smiles
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