Words are easier to type than implement in my daily life. Countless chores remain incomplete because I simply do not want to endure the frustration that will arise. Details of life remain unaddressed because I lack the resources to purchase supplies and the time to do the work. Buckets of money would be the answer to everything. Right?
Probably not. Simply gathering enough resources to fix every problem around the house and in every other area of life is not sufficient. My procrastination is based on other aspects of my personality. You probably feel the same way. Just thinking through the To Do List every morning causes me to give up.
In their book, “The Tools,” Phil Stutz and Barry Michels propose the thought that procrastination in countless situation is based on pain avoidance. Now that they have my complete attention, I start to wonder if that is my challenge: avoid pain and discomfort. Once I press through that initial dread, the chore is relatively simple. I did not even die in the process.
I have learned to recognize immediately when I am simply busying myself elsewhere to avoid something that I do not want to do. My approach of setting a deadline to complete one task has enabled me to complete some unappealing chores that require my attention.
Maybe the best approach is to notice how much better life is around here when I dive into chores and complete them quickly. Piles of paper have been disappearing. Debris is vanishing from my office and the family room. Procrastination is addressed through the desire to improve my current situation.
Working in smaller bursts has enabled me to complete more of my chore list than if I set aside the entire day and evening to address problems.
How will you begin to whittle away at your procrastinated duties?
Leave suggestions in the comments and start the conversation.
— Mialei
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