Knowledge about a given subject is the basis for information products. Other people will flock to your offerings when you are able to convey what you know to them in a meaningful way. Your info products will fly off the proverbial shelf when you follow some simple recommendations that will guide your efforts.
- Comprehensive outline – Product development requires significant planning that includes anticipating the needs in the marketplace. Your training must include the basic knowledge about the subject and extensive material that most people do not know. Major points within your outline provide guidance for your research efforts. Refuse to stop gathering information until you have covered every possible angle.
- Logical order – At first glance, your outline might appear to flow from one point to the next. Your ability to rearrange the material will separate your product from the other training content on the same subject. Exceptional training grabs the students’ attention through innovative approaches.
- Memorable modules – Retention of the material you teach should be your primary objective in assembling your course material. Memory triggers in your material ensure that students refer to your course content when the time comes to use your methods. Next time you write a course, people will trust you to produce a helpful product.
- Teach the details – Within each module, the step-by-step instruction will reveal the best way to apply what you are teaching. Nuances within your material will separate your info products from the crowd. Videos, written instructions, checklists and examples are essential for your student to apply your teachings to their business ventures.
Excellent training content will stand out on the shelf of products when you make certain that every element in this list is present as you create your next information product. Refuse to start writing, developing software or recording videos until your content is refined according to these suggestions.
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— Mialei
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