Maybe the full moon has something to do with the way people write emails and support tickets when they encounter issues. Almost daily, I receive an accusation in the form of a support ticket. I continue to ask myself WHY people feel free to attack me instead of making a request for help. Do you know the answer? These people, who lash out, believe that they have NOTHING to lose.
Here are some ways to receive excellent support without engaging your attack nature:
First Contact
Imagine walking into my home for the very first time and describing to me all that you do not like about the entry way, dining room and kitchen. Maybe you have taken this action at some point and cannot figure out why you were not invited back. Most of us cannot imagine acting in this manner in someone’s home. I have met some who did, and they have not been invited back.
Unknown — Your first email or support ticket will set the tone for your relationship with the individual you are asking for help. Words in an email will be remembered for many months.
Request help — In my support desk, you are in my territory. Asking for my assistance is important for your ability to use my product and find the help you need. The response from me will always be the same: professional!
Think first — Regardless of your feelings and emotional state, I would encourage you to stop and think before logging a ticket that you will regret. The person who reads your message might hold answers to your future.
Assume the Best
Every product is different, which means that you do not know what is inside that member’s area you cannot access. System issues are common when email addresses do not match and automated processes fail. The person who created the product has offered something helpful to hundreds of people, who were able to complete the process without assistance.
Positive attitude — Words inside a support ticket can create rapport between you and the product owner. This can be important when you need more assistance than the answer to a couple of questions. Your attitude is an important factor when asking another person to guide you through a problem.
Write kindly — Your phrases convey much more than you can imagine when the support person opens your ticket and finds that you need help. Questions convey the fact that you might believe you have made the mistake. Consider the fact that hundreds of other people have been successful in the same situation.
Ask NOT demand — Years of support experience have taught me the importance of asking for assistance instead of demanding action. The person you are contacting holds the answers to your issue. What if the response from support was an immediate refund and being added to the blacklist to block all future purchases? Careful wording and a positive attitude will yield better results than a verbal attack.
Provide Complete Description
At times, the assistance you need is more complex than you know. Every detail that you include in your request is helpful to the person who will read each word. Your only instrument to convey the details is an email or a support ticket. Remember these important factors.
Start at the beginning — Your story begins with that you have done about your situation up to this point. The support person needs enough information to guide you through the situation. Place yourself in that person’s shoes and try to answer that question before you send your note.
Write about the issue — I continue to receive notes that accuse me of stealing money and attempting to trip up other people. Venting is a waste of time when the problem is not resolved. Every sentence in your support ticket must apply directly to the situation.
Attach examples — A screenshot is very helpful to the person who is attempting to solve your problem. One image can provide the answer to questions about your situation without having to ask you directly and wait for a reply.
Every Contact Matters
You might believe that CyberSpace is vast. I promise you that people will cross your path and remember your name. Consider how memorable your words and actions will be when someone is in the same group you have just joined. I want to be known as helpful and patient with others. Some days, the ability to keep my fingers from sharing my frustration is enough to send me outside to pull weeds.
“The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury.”
~ Marcus Aurelius
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